Avoid These Pitfalls

Avoid These Pitfalls

Save time and money and avoid these pitfalls. This past March, CJS celebrated its 11 year anniversary. Over the eleven-year period, we worked with a wide variety of clients and musicians and we made a ton of mistakes. These mistakes helped us grow and place us on the right path. I hope these takeaways provide valuable insight into your career.

Avoid These Pitfalls


Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

When we first started CJS we made the mistake of getting locked in with a fast-growing franchise. We got excited and the excitement gave us blinders and stunted our growth. Diversify your client list and find revenue streams from different sources. Refuse to get comfortable. Stay active with your sales plan.

Before You Hit Send….Revise It

Have you ever hit send on a message or email and regretted it? I have done this way too many times. Now I have implemented a two-step system. I do two quick proofs. If the email or message is a serious or heated issue then I use Abraham Lincoln’s “Hot Letter” method. I write down my thoughts and feelings on the matter and then set the note/letter aside for three days. This gives me time to process my words and thoughts. Most of the time my emotions subside and I don’t wind up sending the note. Avoid sending something you would regret by waiting it out.

Surround Yourself With Folks Who Make You Better

Becoming better is as simple as hanging out with folks who challenge you to advance. These folks view the world differently. If you get caught up with Debbie Downer and Negative Nancy then you are doomed. For me, I joined Toastmasters. This group challenged me to get better on a weekly basis. The members encouraged me to excel. I also hang out with athletes who are constantly pushing their limits. 

Check-In On Your Goals

Each night, you should be recapping your day. Check-in with yourself. Did you reach or achieve any of your goals for the day? When you put pen to paper you more likely to wake up thinking about your goals and daily objectives. This simple task is very powerful.

Learn How To Say NO

I took on some horrible projects and I said yes to almost everything. This crushed my time and sidetracked me from accomplishing my goals. Get comfortable saying NO, especially when you have goals and milestones to reach. Be as polite as possible and say NO. 
Here is an example of a general reply I use.
Thank you for thinking of me. At the time I am focused on a big project and unable to commit. Let’s connect down the road when my schedule opens up.

Take Time To Unplug

It’s easy to get hooked on working every day. Especially when you love your business! To recharge you need to step away from work and unplug from being online. You will notice that when you do this your ideas and energy will become more fluent.


It gets tough to manage everything and sometimes it becomes way too time-consuming. Every now and then you need to delegate a task to some who can help you get the job done.

Keep Your Overhead Low

Don’t get suckered into yearly subscriptions, from apps to fancy databases. If you sign up for everything, your overhead will go through the roof. Keep it to the bare minimum. For example, I paid $30 a month for a database that I had no clue how to use. But I felt like I needed it. Find a free version or create your own until your business is thriving.

Avoid Distractions

This one crushed me! Distractions are similar to not being able to say NO. For the first five years, if the phone rang or a text came through, I’d answer it right away. I always felt like my emails needed a reply as soon as they came through. Distractions can highjack your creative time and crush productivity. Use an old-school timer when trying to get tasks accomplished. Ditch the WIFI. 
And last but not least. If you want to move the needle on your endeavorers then you need to Create More Value Than You Capture! Help a fellow entrepreneur out. Find a cause to get behind. The more good you do the better you will feel. But don’t do it for the Instagram post. Be sincere.
What insights have furthered your career? Share your story with us in the comments.

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About the Author

About the Author: John Sammel is Co-owner of CJS Live Music & Events. His passions and hobbies include: open water swimming, paddle boarding, fly fishing, creating and writing. He is a proud father and husband.

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