
Click Refresh On Your Internal Browser!

Have you ever wondered why we leave so many goals on the table?

I started CJS with these lofty goals in mind:

  • I am going to host a cutting-edge music festival in Central Florida!
  • I am going to publish a book on the music industry!!
  • I am going to open and run a kick-ass music venue!!
  • I am going to be the go-to guy for booking talent in Florida!

Do you know how many of these goals have become reality? None.

These goals and dreams sat stagnant because I lacked a daily system. Each day my habits took me somewhere far far away. Stuck in dreamland….scrolling the day away.
My mind was consumed with the end goal. When you see things from the finish line you only view one side of the process. The most important part of creating and obtaining goals lies in the day-to-day grind. Developing habits and creating systems to take you every step of the way.


In the past, I put forth very little thought into creating a system or process.

You can find success if you are willing to do the reasonable thing longer than most people.
Before I could start working on my bucket list. I had to…..unlearn habits, thought patterns, nutritional intake, and negative self-talk.
Unlearning is tricky. You have to refresh your internal browser. It requires that you look back on past days and analyze what worked and what didn’t. To do this one must swallow the ego.

When was the last time you took inventory of your daily habits?

Over the last year, I have been zoning in on what works and what doesn’t. Here is a system that will help you move forward. You can think of your new “daily system” as a choose your own adventure.” Catered to your own dreams. Each day will offer you a new way of thinking and more importantly…staying with your daily systems so that your goals become obtainable.

Let’s begin.

Here lies your mind map. Each one correlates to the next. And it’s important to pay attention to every single step. I am going to give you a brief description of each one. All you need to do is fill in the blanks. 

Dreams/Goals → Create Systems → Develop Habits → Define Specific Goals → Build Skills → Make Adjustments ≅ Achieve Goals

Your dreams and goals can be personal milestones or career-based. All you have to do is fill in the blanks.


Use powerful statements when trying to reach goals. Don’t say “I am going to try.” Say I will! 

I will _________ ( start my business, publish a new album, start a blog )

Your System

To reach our goal we need to look back on our past history. Learn from the good and the bad. Then create new habits to help us reach your next milestone. 
Exercise #1 Write down all the past systems that you had in place. What habits ruled the day? Write down both the positives and negatives.
Postive Daily Habits _____________________________________________________________________
Negative Daily Habits ___________________________________________________________________
What daily habits need to be a part of my system/process so that I can reach my desired outcome ? __________________________________________________________________________________
Creating new habits can be tough, destroying bad habits can be even tougher. Don’t try to tackle habits by yourself. Utilize available resources and reach out to those who want to see you advance. 
The two best resources for changing habits are “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. And Erik Barker’s blog and book “Barking Up The Wrong Tree.”


Define Specific Goals

Specific goals are important to help you get better results. We need our intentions to have a specific time and location. For example, if you want to become a songwriter. You need to write every single day. Here is what your specific goal would entail.
  • Monday at 9 am, I will write for 30 min.
Simple right? By writing down the time and day you are more likely to follow through with your goal. Get in the habit of knowing what is on your to-do list the night before. Right before your fall asleep think about tomorrow’s action items. I review this quote every single morning.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”― Mark Twain

If you want to reach specific goals… learn how to utilize habit stacking

Build Skills

For me. My goal was to become a more in-depth and concise writer.  To develop more skills I started taking writing classes along with kick-starting my blog again. 
What skills do you need to reach your dreams/goals?___________________________________ ( be real with yourself, check the ego) 

Make Adjustments

You will never develop habits if you don’t make adjustments. At the end of each day. Take ten minutes and check-in with yourself. This section is crucial to your development.
Today I accomplished _____________
How could I improve ________________
Be honest with yourself but don’t be too harsh. Try thinking of each day as a set of four quarters. Morning, midday, afternoon, and evening. If you throw away a quarter you still have 3.
And last but not least. Find an accountability partner that will help you develop better daily habits!
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About the Author

About the Author: John Sammel is Co-owner of CJS Live Music & Events. His passions and hobbies include: open water swimming, paddle boarding, fly fishing, creating and writing. He is a proud father and husband.

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